Kako izračunati preproste in sestavljene obresti

Kako izračunati preproste in sestavljene obresti

Matematika je sestavni del programiranja. Če na tem področju ne morete rešiti preprostih težav, se boste borili veliko več, kot je treba.

Na srečo se naučiti, kako to storiti, ni tako težko. V tem članku se boste naučili, kako izračunati preproste obresti in sestavljene obresti z uporabo Python, C ++ in JavaScript.

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Kako izračunate preproste obresti?

Enostavne obresti so metoda za izračun zneska obresti, zaračunanih na načeloma znesku po dani obrestni meri in za določeno časovno obdobje. Preproste obresti lahko izračunate po naslednji formuli:

Simple Interest = (P x R x T)/100
P = Principle Amount
R = Rate
T = Time

Izjava o problemu

Dano vam je osnovni znesek , obrestna mera , in čas . Izračunati in natisniti preproste obresti za dane vrednosti. Primer : Naj bo načelo = 1000, stopnja = 7 in časPeriod = 2. Enostavne obresti = (načelo * stopnja * časPeriod) / 100 = (1000 * 7 * 2) / 100 = 140. Tako je rezultat 140.

Program C ++ za izračun enostavnih obresti

Spodaj je program C ++ za izračun preprostih obresti:

// C++ program to calculate simple interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate simple interest
float calculateSimpleInterest(float principle, float rate, float timePeriod)
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100;

int main()
float principle1 = 1000;
float rate1 = 7;
float timePeriod1 = 2;
cout << 'Test case: 1' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle1 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate1 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod1 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) << endl;
float principle2 = 5000;
float rate2 = 5;
float timePeriod2 = 1;
cout << 'Test case: 2' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle2 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate2 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod2 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) << endl;
float principle3 = 5800;
float rate3 = 4;
float timePeriod3 = 6;
cout << 'Test case: 3' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle3 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate3 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod3 << endl;
cout << 'Simple Interest: ' << calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) << endl;
return 0;


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392

Povezano: Kako najti vse faktorje naravnega števila v C ++, Python in JavaScript

Program Python za izračun preprostih obresti

Spodaj je program Python za izračun preprostih obresti:

# Python program to calculate simple interest
# for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
# Function to calculate simple interest
def calculateSimpleInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod):
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100

principle1 = 1000
rate1 = 7
timePeriod1 = 2
print('Test case: 1')
print('Principle amount:', principle1)
print('Rate of interest:', rate1)
print('Time period:', timePeriod1)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1))
principle2 = 5000
rate2 = 5
timePeriod2 = 1
print('Test case: 2')
print('Principle amount:', principle2)
print('Rate of interest:', rate2)
print('Time period:', timePeriod2)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2))
principle3 = 5800
rate3 = 4
timePeriod3 = 6
print('Test case: 3')
print('Principle amount:', principle3)
print('Rate of interest:', rate3)
print('Time period:', timePeriod3)
print('Simple Interest:', calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3))


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140.0
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250.0
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392.0

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Program JavaScript za izračun enostavnih obresti

Spodaj je program JavaScript za izračun preprostih obresti:

// JavaScript program to calculate simple interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
// Function to calculate simple interest
function calculateSimpleInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod) {
return (principle * rate * timePeriod) / 100;
var principle1 = 1000;
var rate1 = 7;
var timePeriod1 = 2;
document.write('Test case: 1' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle1 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate1 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod1 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) + '
var principle2 = 5000;
var rate2 = 5;
var timePeriod2 = 1;
document.write('Test case: 2' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle2 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate2 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod2 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) + '
var principle3 = 5800;
var rate3 = 4;
var timePeriod3 = 6;
document.write('Test case: 3' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle3 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate3 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod3 + '
document.write('Simple Interest: ' + calculateSimpleInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) + '


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Simple Interest: 140
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Simple Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Simple Interest: 1392

Kako izračunati sestavljene obresti

Sestavljene obresti so dodatek obresti k glavnici. Z drugimi besedami, obresti so obresti. Sestavljene obresti lahko izračunate po naslednji formuli:

Amount= P(1 + R/100)T
Compound Interest = Amount – P
P = Principle Amount
R = Rate
T = Time

Izjava o problemu

Dano vam je osnovni znesek , obrestna mera , in čas . Za navedene vrednosti morate izračunati in natisniti sestavljene obresti. Primer : Naj bo načelo = 1000, obrestna mera = 7 in časovno obdobje = 2. Znesek = P (1 + R/100) T = 1144,9 Sestavljene obresti = Znesek - Znesek načela = 1144,9 - 1000 = 144,9 Tako je rezultat 144,9.

Program C ++ za izračun sestavljenih obresti

Spodaj je program C ++ za izračun sestavljenih obresti:

// C++ program to calculate compound interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate compound interest
float calculateCompoundInterest(float principle, float rate, float timePeriod)
double amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod));
return amount - principle;
int main()
float principle1 = 1000;
float rate1 = 7;
float timePeriod1 = 2;
cout << 'Test case: 1' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle1 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate1 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod1 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) << endl;
float principle2 = 5000;
float rate2 = 5;
float timePeriod2 = 1;
cout << 'Test case: 2' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle2 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate2 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod2 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) << endl;
float principle3 = 5800;
float rate3 = 4;
float timePeriod3 = 6;
cout << 'Test case: 3' << endl;
cout << 'Principle amount: ' << principle3 << endl;
cout << 'Rate of interest: ' << rate3 << endl;
cout << 'Time period: ' << timePeriod3 << endl;
cout << 'Compound Interest: ' << calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) << endl;
return 0;


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.85

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primerjajte datoteke v beležnici ++

Program Python za izračun sestavljenih obresti

Spodaj je program Python za izračun sestavljenih obresti:

# Python program to calculate compound interest
# for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.
# Function to calculate compound interest
def calculateCompoundInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod):
amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod))
return amount - principle
principle1 = 1000
rate1 = 7
timePeriod1 = 2
print('Test case: 1')
print('Principle amount:', principle1)
print('Rate of interest:', rate1)
print('Time period:', timePeriod1)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1))
principle2 = 5000
rate2 = 5
timePeriod2 = 1
print('Test case: 2')
print('Principle amount:', principle2)
print('Rate of interest:', rate2)
print('Time period:', timePeriod2)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2))
principle3 = 5800
rate3 = 4
timePeriod3 = 6
print('Test case: 3')
print('Principle amount:', principle3)
print('Rate of interest:', rate3)
print('Time period:', timePeriod3)
print('Compound Interest:', calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3))


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9000000000001
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250.0
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.8503072768026

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Program JavaScript za izračun sestavljenih obresti

Spodaj je program JavaScript za izračun sestavljenih obresti:

// JavaScript program to calculate compound interest
// for given principle amount, time, and rate of interest.

// Function to calculate compound interest
function calculateCompoundInterest(principle, rate, timePeriod) {
var amount = principle * (Math.pow((1 + rate / 100), timePeriod));
return amount - principle;
var principle1 = 1000;
var rate1 = 7;
var timePeriod1 = 2;
document.write('Test case: 1' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle1 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate1 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod1 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle1, rate1, timePeriod1) + '
var principle2 = 5000;
var rate2 = 5;
var timePeriod2 = 1;
document.write('Test case: 2' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle2 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate2 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod2 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle2, rate2, timePeriod2) + '
var principle3 = 5800;
var rate3 = 4;
var timePeriod3 = 6;
document.write('Test case: 3' + '
document.write('Principle amount: ' + principle3 + '
document.write('Rate of interest: ' + rate3 + '
document.write('Time period: ' + timePeriod3 + '
document.write('Compound Interest: ' + calculateCompoundInterest(principle3, rate3, timePeriod3) + '


Test case: 1
Principle amount: 1000
Rate of interest: 7
Time period: 2
Compound Interest: 144.9000000000001
Test case: 2
Principle amount: 5000
Rate of interest: 5
Time period: 1
Compound Interest: 250
Test case: 3
Principle amount: 5800
Rate of interest: 4
Time period: 6
Compound Interest: 1538.8503072768008

Naučite se kodirati brezplačno: začnite z enostavnimi in sestavljenimi obrestmi

Danes se vpliv kodiranja eksponentno povečuje. V skladu s tem se tudi povpraševanje po spretnih kodirnikih eksponentno povečuje. Med ljudmi obstaja napačno prepričanje, da se lahko naučijo kodirati šele po plačilu visoke pristojbine. Ampak to ni res. Brezplačno se lahko naučite kodirati s platform, kot so freeCodeCamp, Khan Academy, YouTube itd. Torej, tudi če nimate velikega proračuna, vam ni treba skrbeti, da bi ga zamudili.

Deliti Deliti Cvrkutati E-naslov 7 najboljših načinov za brezplačno kodiranje

Kodiranja se ne morete naučiti brezplačno. Če seveda ne preizkusite teh preizkušenih virov.

Preberite Naprej
Sorodne teme
  • Programiranje
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Kodiranje vadnic
O avtorju Yuvraj Chandra(Objavljenih 60 člankov)

Yuvraj je dodiplomski študent računalništva na Univerzi v Delhiju v Indiji. Navdušen je nad spletnim razvojem Full Stack. Ko ne piše, raziskuje globino različnih tehnologij.

Več od Yuvraja Chandre

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